Miami Beach Drawings

One of the perks of my job is to travel occasionally. Most of the time I have evenings free to explore and .... of course sketch. This week I was in Miami Beach just in time to start a new sketch book. I also took a lot of progress shots of these drawings and will post them individually later.
The best part is finishing off a weeks worth sketching by teaching my Urban Sketching glass at the White Bear Center for the Arts followed up by a class taught by Daniel and Amber for the AIA in the morning. I should be warmed up for the Tuesday St Fair all day sketch!
God I love drawing
This is the weeks Harvest.
First is a mid morning warm up waiting for the plane to take off. Pencil underlay, Staedler Permanent Lumocolor Fine pen, my travel watercolor set.
Recently I have found a group called everyday matters. 365 drawing challenges to go through. #2 was draw a lamp. Sitting in the plane I had 3 right in front of me that probably rarely get sketched. Pentel brush pen and Lexington grey Noodlers ink
Channeling my inner Dave Worfel from the sketchers group I drew a plane detail from my window. Pencil underlay, Staedler Permanent Lumocolor Fine pen, my travel gouache set.
On my first night in South Beach I walked up and down looking for a good people watching and sketching place. This place, "The Clevelander" was just too awesome. I had to draw it. There were as many choices of what not to draw as what to emphasize. I wish my pad was taller, but I think I got the feel of the evening. Pencil underlay, Staedler Permant Lumocolor Fine pen, my travel gouache set.
Sitting in the same place I tried a palm tree without resorting to lines. I am still working on this technique. My challenge is to make it look finished. I am not there yet, but this was fun.

On the second night I sketched at the restaurant the hotel I stayed was associated with. "The Quinn" was fun to sketch from and a good view. I had an appetizer of Ceviche to start and it wound up being a whole meal both is size and in price.  It also started raining like crazy and I was semi outside but didn't have to move. That was interesting. Pencil underlay, Staedler Permanent Lumocolor Fine pen, my travel gouache set.

On the flight home, Every Day Matters #3 was draw your wallet. Mine is worn out and fun to capture. This needs color put to it before I post it.  Pentel brush pen and Lexington grey Noodlers ink

I hope you enjoyed it. Keep Sketching!
James Nutt AIA

T Rex!

Drawing dinosaurs with Leo didn't stop after he went to bed. I had so much fun with this I laughed the whole time I drew this. Soooo fun.

Leo loved it this morning but I made him look at it through a crack in the door to keep it from scaring him.