Metro Sketchers at the Minneapolis Sculpture Garden

These sketches are from a couple of years ago, but the "Spoon and Cherry!"  has made the rounds in a few shows and the prints have sold well.

Liz Carlson sets up this wonderful monthly sketch group - MetroSketchers - and all of these were done onsite with about 30 other talented and fun people.

Since this time they have redone the sculpture garden.  Perhaps it is time to go and make new sketches.

Angular planes of metal were fund to capture.

One of my favorite pieces. This is all inkwash. The red color is the crazy Noodlers brand of ink named Cayenne.  It goes crazy with water. (11x14)

a small 3x5 study in water color

3 x5 church study

I am not sure if I will ever add color. Maybe just the red on the  cherry. What I remember about this was the conversation around me at the time.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed these.

(BTW traffic on my site has really jumped! Thank you. If anyone knows why please send me a comment of how you heard about this humble blog.)

For more art see my portfolio site on

Spoon and Cherry- a favorite sketch

If you know Minneapolis you know about this huge Spoon and Cherry sculpture.  This is an urban sketch done while sketching with the Metro Sketchers.  The original is hanging at the White Bear Center for the arts and I have professional prints on water color paper at my studio for $75.

This is done with my travel inkwash technique of older water pens filled with ink applied with a water pen filled with water. 

The red is Noodlers Cayenne, the blacks are Noodlers Lexington Grey and Black.


This smaller version is from my daily sketchbook.  I can't remember which came first.

Keep Drawing!