Speaking at Open Book to the MCBA on the artistic medium of the iPad

I had the privilege of speaking to a great group of MCBA artist at Open Book in Downtown MPLS on Monday night.  I thought I would share the description below. I was surprised to see other people blog about the event afterward and have included those links and encourage you to look around their interesting sites. The http://www.orangespiralarts.com/my-blog/2013/03/mcba-visual-journal-collective-gets-digital.html has photos of the event.
"Urban Sketcher James Nutt is going to be speaking and demonstrating digital sketching on the iPad at the Monday meeting of the MCBA Visual Journal Collective on March 18th at 7:00 pm.

You can read the details at the link below.

The referenced blog is by the amazingly talented Roz Stendahl. Her blog is an amazing resource for art technique, book making, painting, paper, sketching, and so much more. We encourage you to look around and possibly learn a little more about the MCBA Visual Journal Collective.

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